Your Next-Generation Trusted Research Environment

The enterprise scale trusted research environment delivering better patient outcomes.

The Aridhia DRE is changing the way in which clinical and research professionals work together; enabling them to collaborate, access and share secure data in a trusted research environment to deliver better patient outcomes.

Watch this short video for an introduction to the pieces that make up our Digital Research Environment, then follow the links below to find out more.

Product Overview Request a Demo

The leading secure data environment for trusted data sharing and collaboration networks.

Our Platform Our Story

Aridhia helps clinical and life sciences pioneers in Research Hospitals, Universities, Pharmaceutical Companies & Global Medical Networks who want to advance their medical research and improve outcomes more quickly.

We do this by providing a safe, secure Digital Research Environment (DRE) for projects of any size or scale; local or global. Built to ensure compliance with industry standards, and assessed against open specifications for Trusted Research Environments like SATRE, it enables greater collaboration, knowledge sharing and access to the potential of machine learning.

A Next-Generation Trusted Research Environment

Unlike systems built in-house, Aridhia’s industry leading trusted research environment is ready to go and delivers rapid impact. It’s customisable and flexes based on how much or how little you need it to do.

Take a look through what makes the Aridhia DRE here and then head over to Our Platform page for a deeper dive!

Aridhia Trusted Research Environment
Rich metadata catalog

Rich metadata catalog with advanced searching and support for FAIR data principles

Configurable data governance

Configurable and orchestrated data governance that automatically connects metadata searches with data requests and controlled delivery

Airlocked collaboration workspaces

Private, airlocked, and data-agnostic collaboration workspaces with scalable infrastructure in an audited, regulatory-grade environment

Built-in Analytics

Built-in analytics tools to easily explore data and build and share a cohort without writing code

Access to your favorite software packages

Access to your favorite software packages or bring your own tooling and use private, localised git repos to support your modeling tools development and sharing

Our Platform Request a demo

…with security and privacy locked in!

We understand the special considerations in healthcare research across global jurisdictions and help you maintain patient privacy and data provenance with continued investment in our Secure Data Environment with security and quality certifications.

Security & Compliance
Aridhia Secure Data Environment

Learn more about our Trusted Research Environment