Blogs & News

Interactively visualising DICOM volumes and header data ➜

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is an internationally recognised standard for medical imaging and is implemented in the majority of medical imaging devices ... Read more ➜

The sky is not the limit – embedding raw HTML and JavaScript to create dynamic UI elements in Shiny applications ➜

One of the key advantages of Shiny, the interactive visualisation web application framework for R, is that it allows users to deploy interactive applications ... Read more ➜

Using Shiny Modules to simplify building complex apps ➜

Whenever I start writing a new Shiny application – the technology on which we’ve built our mini-apps capability – or when I want to prototype ... Read more ➜

AnalytiXagility, de-identification and the anonymisation decision-making framework ➜

A key issue for clinical research efforts is the need to increase data sharing in order to develop and exchange new ideas, methodologies and approaches ... Read more ➜

AnalytiXagility – Gartner’s advanced clinical research information system? ➜

Prior to joining Aridhia, and during my MSc course in Stratified Medicine and Pharmacological Innovation at the University of Glasgow, I often used Gartner’s ‘Hype ... Read more ➜

Science, communication and plasticine – My Impact in 60 Seconds experience! ➜

When we launched our first Impact in 60 Seconds competition in partnership with The University of Glasgow College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) ... Read more ➜

Nissan Social Media Data Challenge ➜

Last week Aridhia went to Sunderland to support and enable the Nissan Social Media Data Challenge at Sunderland Software Centre, providing AnalytiXagility as the event’s ... Read more ➜

RNA-seq: creating simple outputs from complex genetic data ➜

As part of our recent stream of genomics work, we began to look at ways in which the complex data outputs associated with RNA-seq research ... Read more ➜

Aridhia Demos Collaborative Research at Big Data Expo 2015 ➜

We were really pleased to be part of the Big Data Expo in Utrecht last month – a new European conference celebrating big data – ... Read more ➜

Enabling Reproducible Research in a Collaborative and Secure Environment ➜

Reproducibility in science is becoming increasingly important. The rise of meta-analysis and systematic reviews such as the Cochrane Reviews and a number of recent studies ... Read more ➜